If you would like to learn more about how you can be involved with this work, please contact the Rev. Annalise Pasalo HERE.
In the five years since I got involved with this work, the pushback on women’s rights has been substantial. At my first UNCSW, it was projected that gender equality would take almost 200 years to achieve. At this point, the projections are closer to 300 years. In the words of UN Secretary General, Antionio Guterriez, “…progress we’ve won over decades [for the rights of women and girls] is vanishing before our eyes.”
Technology is the new face of gender inequality. Women are far less likely to have connectivity or access to technology. Only 15% of jobs in tech design are held by women. Algorithms are inherently biased. For example, autocorrect defaulting to male pronouns around leadership positions, which is accepted as normal. Online violence can, and often does, become offline violence. We must remember that gender equality is not a women’s issue. It’s a human issue. Men and boys need to be a part of the conversation and to be willing to learn and unlearn things so they can be effective allies. After all the information I shared, it may feel hopeless. I assure you it is not. We have the power to make a difference. You have the power to make a difference. Speak up for women’s rights. Strive for gender parity in leadership. Tell the girls in your life that they are capable of anything and encourage their interest in the STEM fields. Make sure the women in your circles feel safe and respected. Yes, there is a long road ahead, but I know that this is kingdom work and God will give strength for the journey. So, “Live without fear: your creator has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Go in peace to follow the good road...” and may God open our eyes and our hearts as we aspire to a more equitable world. |
If you would like to learn more about how you can be involved with this work, please contact the Rev. Annalise Pasalo HERE. |
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