[June 8, 2020] Protests to end racism and police brutality have been taking place around the nation and now, the world, triggered by the murder of George Floyd. The #blacklivesmatter movement has seen a resurgence with a new awareness and understanding. To learn more, visit the Black Lives Matter website HERE.
Like the rest of the nation, ongoing protests have been taking place throughout the islands, with Episcopalians joining the fight for justice and equality! Photos of the peaceful protests on O'ahu shown at right are by Matt Brown and church Facebook pages. Photo below was taken at the Kaua'i County Building by Janece Yatsko. |
I read the signs around me. I wondered about the people holding them; their life paths, their choices that led them to standing on the side of the street and waving a sign to call attention to the dismantling of white supremacy. It was so much to ponder that I felt very unsure and simultaneously sure that God abided.
There is a reckoning unfolding. It is a tender spot like a neck strained in protection of the spine, it is the weakness of the muscle which supports the stature of the being. The long night of true equality is taking a good, long stretch from lying in wake. It is about the advancement of the black community and the decline of the white majority. It is about realizing there is enough for all and that God’s provisions for the day are enough and to be shared. It is the self-examination of all people for how we contribute to the power and wealth-accumulation of some at the expense and denial of others. It is about reflecting upon who here in Hawaii is kindred spirit to the lament of stolen freedom and suppressed opportunity. |
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