[July 11, 2024] Aloha! I'm Stason Skeen from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Waimānalo. I was lucky enough to attend the Young Adult Festival, which takes place alongside the General Convention that was held in Louisville, KY, July 21-26, this year.
(Pictured above is the Young Adult Festival crew where we were able to have a private Q&A session with the President of the House of Deputies, Julia Ayala Harris (second row with green jacket); at left, I got a picture with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.)
The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is a gathering where people from Episcopal churches around the world come together to make important decisions. It happens every three years and includes bishops, priests, deacons, and lay members from each Diocese to form a Deputation. They talk about rules for the church, plan events, and discuss how to serve the world and their neighbors. It’s like a big family gathering where everyone gets a say in how things should be done in the Church.
The Young Adult Festival I was able to attend happens alongside General Convention but was more about teaching young adults (18-30's) how this church body process works and how we can further serve God and neighbor through these ministries. It was an amazing experience to further understand Church Governance alongside a bunch of fellow church nerds. The community and bread broken together was sustaining and life-giving.
(Pictured above, I ran into Bishop and Bea at Louisville's "4th Street Live," an active area in the city full of music and restraunts; and at right, the Young Adult Festival crew again, where we were able to have private Q&A session with the Presiding Bishop (catch the shaka in the back row). Below left, the Hawai‘i folks attended a talk with Palestinian International Law Attorney Jonathon Kuttab (center with lei), where he gave a passionate speech about the injustices faced by the Palestinian people and the inaction of the West; below right, a "Silent EpiscoDisco" night at the Christ Church Cathedral in Louisville. )
Almighty and All-Loving God, by whom and in whom and through whom the life of the Church is sustained, may we as the Church continue to Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness and to continue in the Apostles’ teaching and the breaking of bread, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.